B.S. Korea University, Seoul, Korea, 2015
M.S. Korea University, Seoul, Korea, 2017
Ph.D. Michigan State University, Michigan, U.S.A, 2021
Postdoctoral Associate, Cornell University, New York, U.S.A, 2022-2024
Specialist, FarmHannong Co. Ltd., Seoul, Korea, 2023-2024
Troug Soil Science Outstanding Dissertation Award, Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), 2022
Kirk and Marjorie Lawton Graduate Student Award, Michigan State University, 2020
토양탄소격리, 토양-식물-미생물 관계, 농업 지속가능성
Kim, K., Juyal A., and Kravchenko, A., 2024. Soil pore characteristics and the fate of new switchgrass-derived carbon in switchgrass and prairie bioenergy cropping systems. Scientific Reports 14, 7824.
Kim, K., Kaestner, A., Lucas, M., and Kravchenko, A., 2023. Microscale spatiotemporal patterns of water, soil organic carbon, and enzymes in plant litter detritusphere. Geoderma 438, 116625.
Kim, K., Gil, J., Ostrom, N., Gandhi, H., Oerther, M., Kuzyakov, Y., Guber, A., Kravchenko, A., 2022. Soilpore architecture and rhizosphere legacy define N2O production in root detritusphere. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 166, 108565.