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김수언 명예교수

Soo-Un Kim

전공천연물 화학 및 생화학

B.S. Seoul National University, Korea, 1975

M.S. Seoul National University, Korea, 1977

Ph.D. Texas Tech University, USA, 1983


Postdoctoral research associate, Ohio State University, USA, 1983-1985

Assistant professor, Kyung Hee University, 경희대학교 유전공학과, 조교수, 1985-1987

Professor, Seoul National University, 서울대학교 농생명공학부 응용생명화학전공, 1987-Present

연구 관심분야

천연물 화학 Natural Products Chemistry

천연물 분리 Isolation of Bioactive Natural Products

천연물 생합성 Biosynthesis of natural products

대표 논문

Kim, M., Kim, S-I., Han J., Wang, X., Song, D. and Kim, S-U. (2009) “Stereospecific biotransformation of dihydrodaidzein into (3S)-equol by the human intestinal bacterium Eggerthella Julong 732” Appl Env Microbiol 75(10): 3062-8


Kim, Y-B., Kim, S-M., Kang, M-K., Kuzuyama, T., Lee, J. K., Park, S-C., Shin, S-C. and Kim, S-U. (2009) “Regulation of resin acid synthesis in Pinus densiflora by differential transcription of multiple 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate synthase (PdDXS) and 1-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-(E)-butenyl 4-diphosphate reductase (PdHDR) genes” Tree Physiol 29(5): 737-749


Ji, X., Huh, B. and Kim, S-U. (2008) “Biosynthesis of decursin in hairy root culture of Angelica gigas” J Korean Soc Appl Biol Chem 51(4): 258-262


Kim, S-M., Kim, Y-B., Kuzuyama, T. and Kim, S-U. (2008). “Two copies of 4-(cytidine 5′-diphospho)-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase (CMK) gene in Ginkgo biloba: molecular cloning and functional characterization” Planta 228(6):941-950. (Nov. 2008)


Kim, S-H., Chang, Y-J. and Kim, S-U. (2008) “Tissue Specificity and Developmental Pattern of Amorpha-4,11-diene Synthase (ADS) Proved by ADS Promoter-driven GUS Expression in Heterologous Plant, Arabidopsis thaliana” Planta Med 74: 188-193