B.S. Seoul National University, Korea, 1976
M.S. Korea Advanced Institute of Science, 1978
Ph.D. Northwestern University, USA, 1985
Postdoctoral Fellow, Northwestern University, USA, 1985-1986
농촌진흥청 농업기술연구소 겸직농업연구관, 1991-1993
과학기술부 21세기 프론티어 작물유전체기능연구사업단장, 2001-현재
한국과학기술단체총연합회 Brain Pool 화공・생명분야 선정위원, 2003-2012
한ㆍ일 기초과학교류위원회 생물분과위원장, 2005-2010
한국과학기술한림원 정회원, 2005-현재
한국분자세포생물학회 부회장, 2006
한국응용생명화학회 부회장, 2007
국무총리실 바이오안전성위원회 위원, 2008-2010
한국식물생명공학회 회장, 2009-2010
한국분자세포생물학회 회장, 2011
제11회 상록 농업생명과학 연구대상 (2002. 11. 15. 서울대 농업생명과학대)
과학기술 우수논문상 (2003. 4. 25. 한국과학기술단체총연합회)
제12회 화농상 (2004. 6. 25. 화농연학재단)
2006년 한국응용생명화학회 학술상 (2006. 10. 26. 한국응용생명화학회)
제52회 대한민국학술원상 (2007. 9. 14. 대한민국학술원)
제6회 대한민국 최고과학기술인상 (2008. 4. 21. 교육과학기술부 및 과학기술단체총연합회)
식물 신호전달 Plant Signal Transduction
식물 자기방어 Plant Self-Defense
식물생명공학 Plant Biotechnology
Shim J. S., Y. D. Choi. 2013. Direct regulation of WRKY70 by AtMYB44 in plant defense responses. Plant Signal Behav 8: e20783
Seo, J. S., Y. J. Koo, C. Jung, S. Y. Yeu, J. T. Song, J. -K. Kim, Y. Choi, J. S. Lee, and Y. D. Choi. 2013. Identification of a novel jasmonate-responsive element in the AtJMT promoter and its binding protein for AtJMT repression. PLOS ONE 8(2): e55482
Shim, J. S., C. -G. Jung, S. -J. Lee, K. -H. Min, Y. -W. Lee, Y. -H. Choi, J. S. Lee, J. T. Song, J. -K. Kim and Y. D. Choi. 2013. AtMYB44 regulates WRKY70 expression and modulates antagonistic interaction between salicylic acid and jasmonic acid signaling. Plant J 73: 483-495
Lee, H. Y., J. -S. Seo, J. H. Cho, H. Jung, J. -K. Kim, J. S. Lee, S. K. Rhee, and Y. D. Choi. 2013. Oryza sativa COI homologues restore jasmonate signal transduction in Arabidopsis coi1-1 mutants. PLOS ONE 8(1): e52802.
The Tomato Genome Consortium 340. 2012. The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution. Nature 485: 635-641.
Seo J.-S., J. Joo, M.-J. Kim, Y.-K. Kim, B. H. Nahm, S. I. Song, J.-J. Cheong, J. S. Lee, J.-K. Kim and Y. D. Choi. 2011. OsbHLH148, a basic helix-loop-helix protein, interacts with OsJAZ proteins in a jasmonate signaling pathway leading to drought tolerance in rice. Plant J. 65: 907-921.
Sohn, H. B., H. Y. Lee, J. S. Seo, C. Jung, J.-H. Kim, Y. W. Lee, J.-J. Cheong, Y. D. Choi. 2011. Overexpression of Jasmonic Acid Carboxyl Methyltransferase Increases Tuber Yield and Size in Transgenic Potato. Plant Biotechnol Rep 5:27–34.
Song, J. T., Y. J. Koo, J.-B. Park, Y. J. Seo, Y.-J. Cho, H. S. Seo, and Y. D. Choi. 2009. The Expression Patterns of AtBSMT1 and AtSAGT1 Encoding a Salicylic Acid (SA) Methyltransfer- ase and a SA Glucosyltransferase, Respectively, in Arabidopsis Plants with Altered Defense Responses. Mol. Cells 28: 105-109
Yi, S.-I., M.-Y. Park, J.-K. Kim, Y. D. Choi. 2009. AlLTPs from Allium species represent a novel class of lipid transfer proteins that are localized in endomembrane compartments. Plant Biotechnol Rep 3: 213–223.
Koo, Y. J., E. Yoon, J. T. Song, H. S. Seo, J.-H. Kim, Y.-W. Lee, J. S. Lee, J.-J. Cheong, Y. D. Choi. 2008. An advanced method for the determination of carboxyl methyl esterase activity using gas chromatography-chemical ionization-mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. B, 863: 80-87.
Koo, Y. J., M. A. Kim, E. H. Kim, J. T. Song, C. Jung, J-K Moon, J-H Kim, H. S. Seo, S. I. Song, J. Kim and J. S. Lee, J-J Cheong and Y. D. Choi. 2007. Overexpression of salicylic acid carboxyl methyltransferase reduces salicylic acid-mediated pathogen resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Mol Biol 64: 1-15.
Garg, A. K., J. K. Kim, T. G. Owens, A. P. Ranwala, Y. D. Choi, L. V. Kochian, and R. J. Wu. 2002. Trehalose accumulation in rice plants confers high tolerance levels to different abiotic stresses. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99: 15898-15903.
Park, M. Y., N. R. Yi, H. Y. Lee, S. T. Kim, M. Kim, J. -H. Park, J. -K. Kim, J. S. Lee, J. -J. Cheong and Y. D. Choi. 2002. Generation of chlorsulfuron-resistant transgenic garlic plants (Allium sativum L.) by particle bombardment. Mol. Breeding 9: 171-181.
Seo, H. S., J. T. Song, J. J. Jeong, Y. H. Lee, Y. W. Lee, I. G. Hwang, J. S. Lee and Y. D. Choi. 2001. Jasmonic acid carboxyl methyltransferase : a key enzyme for jasmonate-regulated plant responses. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 98: 4788-4793